Introduction to interactive coding notebook environments: Jupyter & Colab
February 15, 2024, 12:00-1:00 pm EST
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Presented by: Elie Haber
Duration: 60 minutes
Description: Using a single environment for all stages of your research project can help you organize your work. To this end, our team recommends JupyterLab, a software that logs code, text, equations, graphs and visualizations in a single document. This tool can also execute the lines of a program one at a time and thus allow their respective effects to be accurately identified. This training will equip you to take advantage of JupyterLab’s graphical interface and its key features.
Elie Haber completed his Ph.D. in Information and Systems Engineering from Concordia University in 2022. His doctoral thesis was focused on optimizing mobile edge computing in 5G networks. After obtaining his Ph.D., he pursued a six-month postdoctoral research program. Elie has five years of experience as an Application Developer. He is currently working as an analyst at Calcul Québec, associated with Concordia University.